Moving Forward in 2020

By Solomon Kronberg, BA Economics and Comparative Cultures & Politics 2022

One of the most difficult challenges that face student organizations on every college campus is consistent, long-term success. A group can begin with a stellar goal, great momentum, and effective execution and still struggle as its core members graduate or move on to new endeavors. Spartan Global has struggled with the cycle of collegiate change, however, each period of transition has brought us new opportunities and goals.

The 2019-2020 school year has certainly been a time of change. Spartan Global lost the majority of its veteran members to graduation, internships, and study abroad programs. While we, of course, wish them the best, their absence is sorely missed.

Part of what makes SGDF such a special organization is the ability to attract truly incredible people to our system of values. We are truly proud to say that even in a moment of transitional doubt, this strength has shown through once again. With the support of our incredible advisors, Professor Stenzel and Board of Alumni Directors, the newest iteration of Spartan Global has not only solidified but excelled. Already, this semester has seen our Fundraising Team produce an unprecedented amount of loan donations. Our Marketing and Communications Team has not only maintained but expanded our online presence, and expanded our on-campus presence with new educational events. Thanks to the strength of leadership within the New Member and Donor Relations committee, we have more than doubled our membership. It is entirely thanks to these new students and their commitment to the work we do that the organization is thriving–we are immensely grateful to them.

As this new Spartan Global team moves forward into the decade, we believe a restatement of our goals and values is in order. Through the extension of interest-free micro-loans, we seek to enable the success of entrepreneurs in developing communities worldwide. This is a vital pursuit. Through increased access to capital, entrepreneurs are able to more effectively actualize their ambitions and claim their agency–the key to creating a more sustainable and equitable international business-standard. While our initial impact may seem small, we believe that the best way to change the world is by enabling people to change their world.

Stay tuned.